Monday, August 24, 2020

These 5 Microsoft Word tweaks that will make your resume shine

These 5 Microsoft Word changes that will make your resume sparkle A decent resume is your foot in the entryway at the best organizations. Regardless of whether you have a strong foundation loaded up with applicable occupations that make you a perfect competitor, you despite everything need your resume’s designing to sing. Your main objective is to make it simpler and quicker for enrollment specialists to peruse (and go gaga for) your resume. Keep in mind, you likely have just a snappy look of a couple of moments to establish a first connection anything messy, strange, or diverting may send you directly into the reject heap before a selection representative has even perused single word. Peruse on for the essential agenda you should use to ensure everything is perfect and expert in MS Word before you append and send away.1. Show/Hide organizing and fix sloppiness.Utilize the Show/Hide highlight to check whether everything is spread out conveniently by tapping the catch that resembles a retrogressive â€Å"P† on your Home toolbar or clic king Ctrl+8 or command+8. Presently, you can see all the sections you’ve utilized spacebar versus tabs. Utilizing the now-noticeable imprints, normalize all spaces and erase any that don’t have a place. This is your opportunity to tidy up all the chaotic bits of DIY arranging you did that probably won't interpret well across computers.At this point, adjust the entirety of your substance consistently. Utilize the tab stop menu in the upper left corner of your archive, just to one side of the ruler. Snap until you see the tab stop you need, at that point click the ruler where you need that stop to be. Use shots for steady (and simpler to modify) dividing when you’re posting encounters or abilities, and utilize the Line and Paragraph Spacing instrument to deal with the size of spaces in the middle of areas, sentences, slugs, and paragraphs.2. Supplement a header and footer.Use the header and footer highlight to utilize all the valuable space you have. You donâ€⠄¢t have a great deal of room to work with on one page, so you need to utilize the body of your resume to list aptitudes, work history, and training. Don’t squander this space with contact data put that at the top and base. Simply utilize the â€Å"Insert† tab drop menu to locate the sort of header/footer designing you need, at that point go nuts.3. Go intense and use bullets.Bold work titles to make them pop. At that point, use bolded headers to depict your areas, and under them, use shots to list your abilities and applicable bits of detail. Arranging your resume like this makes it simple to follow, clean, and sorted out. Keep your shot style flawless and basic by and large, a resume isn't the ideal opportunity for creativity.4. Prioritize.Put your best and most applicable experience and aptitudes at the top, moving all the rest (particularly if it’s fundamentally filler) to bring down areas. The recruiter’s eye peruses the best not many lines first (an d now and then stops there!). Ensure your best stuff is generally simple to find.5. Convert to PDF.To guarantee security and to ensure your excellent arranging work doesn’t get scattered up on someone’s not-refreshed machine, try to click â€Å"Save as† and afterward convert your last resume into a PDF. A snappy twofold check will demonstrate this new uneditable archive is prepared to be consistently perused by any enrollment specialists similarly as you needed them to see it.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sloboat Case Study Free Essays

Sloboat Case Study March 7, 2013 Capstone Seminar Sean McNamara, Matthew Sylvia, Michael Regghetio Analysis of Sloboat Case Study For this situation we assume the job of Rick Craner, the budgetary bookkeeper for Sloboat Shipping Inc. Rick is confronted with accumulating, sorting out, and assessing the company’s budgetary action for the 2012 financial year. We are given a few notes on Sloboat budgetary exchanges, and we are entrusted with figuring out these exchanges to give a reasonable assessment and introduction of Sloboat’s money related standings toward the finish of the 2012 monetary year. We will compose a custom paper test on Sloboat Case Study or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now It is critical to take a gander at all of the exchanges portrayed for the situation concentrate before pushing ahead. The contextual analysis separated these exchanges into â€Å"financing† and â€Å"investing†. Coming up next are exchanges that happened under â€Å"financing†: * 7% securities payable gave on November 1, 2010 * Bonds pay premium semi-every year on May first and November first * Market loan fee on the date of issuance had been 8% * SSI chosen to resign half of the 7% securities on August 1, 2011 * Additional 30,000 basic offers gave on June 14, 2011 * Common profit of $0. 5 for each normal offer on December 1, 2011 with date of record of December fifth and dispersion on December twentieth coming up next are exchanges that happened under â€Å"investing†: * SSI possessed 250, 7. 5% obligations of â€Å"OnCap Financial†, bought in late monetary 2011, bonds paid enthusiasm on March first and September first and set to develop on March 1 , 2014. On January 31, 2012, the market diminished to 5% and SSI sold all the exceptional securities. * SSI possessed 20,000 offers in Lowland Resources. On October 2, 2011 SSI got a 5% stock profit. Each offer was exchanging at $22. 62. On December 15, 2011 SSI chose to sell 60% of its property (12,000 stocks). SSI paid a $400 financier charge. On February 29, 2012, the rest of the offers were exchanging at Statement of Financial Position| As at February 28, 2011| | ASSETS| | Current Assets:| | Cash| $| 12,736 | Bond Investing Recievable| | 9,375 | Trading Investment-Stocks| | 468,600 | Trading Investments-Bonds| | 260,156 | Inventory| | 47,987 |  | | 798,854 | Property, Plant, and Equipment| | 742,108 |  | | 742,108 | Total Assets| | 1,540,962 | Liablities Shareholder’s Equity| | Liabilities| | Current liabilities:| | Bond intrigue payable| $| 23,333 | Dividends payable| | 11,250 |  | | 34,583 | Long-term liabilities:| | 7% Bonds Payable(1,000 bonds; mautres 11/1/15)| | 961,694 |  | | 961,694 | Total Liabilities| | 996,277 | Shareholders’ equity| | $2. 25 cumlative, non-convertible favored stock| | 37,500 | 150,000 approved; 5,000 outstanding| | Common stock| | 253,000 | 500,000 approved; 20,000 outstanding| | Stock profit to be distributed| | 15,430 | Retained earnings| | 238,755 |  | Total Shareholders’ equity| | 544,685 | Absolute liabilities and Shareholders’ value | $1,540,962 | Cash Reciepts and Disbursements| For Fiscal 2012| | Cash Reciepts| | Common Shares| $| 610,500 | Bond Investment| | 18,750 | Trading contributing †Bonds| | 272,331 | Trading contributing †Stocks| | 268,610 | Total| | $| 1,170,191 | Cash Disbursements| | 7% Bonds Payable| $| 528,517 | Bond interest| | 52,500 | Dividends| | 30,150 | Total| | $| 611,167 | * $19. 45 (8,000 stocks). Proclamation of Financial Position| As at February 28, 2012| | ASSETS| | Current Assets:| | Cash| $| (468,111)| | Bond Investing Recievable| | 9,375 | Trading Investment-Stocks| | 468,600 | Trading Investments-Bonds| | 310,644 | Inventory| | 47,987 |  | | 368,495 | Property, Plant, and Equipment| | 742,108 |  | | 742,108 | Total Assets| | 1,110,603 | Liablities Shareholder’s Equity| | Liabilities| | Current liabilities:| | Bond premium payable| $| 73,821 | Dividends payable| | 11,250 |  | | 85,071 | Long-term liabilities:| | 7% Bonds Payable(1,000 bonds; mautres 11/1/15)| | 480,847 |  | | 480,847 | Absolute Liabilities| | 565,918 | Shareholders’ equity| | $2. 25 cumlative, non-convertible favored stock| | 37,500 | 150,000 approved; 5,000 outstanding| | Common stock| | 253,000 | 500,000 approved; 20,000 outstanding| | Stock profit to be distributed| | 15,430 | Retained earnings| | 238,755 |  | Total Shareholders’ equity| | 544,685 | Total liabilities and Shareholders’ value | $1,110,603 | Cash Reciepts and Disbursements| For Fiscal 2013| | Cash Reciepts| | Common Shares| $| 610,500 | Bond Investment| | 18,750 | Trading contributing †Bonds| | 272,331 | Trading contributing †Stocks| | 268,610 | Total| | $| 1,170,191 | Cash Disbursements| | 7% Bonds Payable| $| 528,517 | Bond interest| | 52,500 | Dividends| | 30,150 | Total| | $| 611,167 | Bond Interest Payable $33659. 29 Bonds Payable $480847 Bond Interest Payable $16829. 50 Bond Interest Payable $33659. 29 Bonds Payable $480847 Bond Interest Payable $16829. 50 Trading Investments bonds $33659. 29 Cash $480847 Trading Investment Bond $16829. 50 Trading Investments bonds $33659. 29 Cash $480847 Trading Investment Bond $16829. 50 Debit Credit Step by step instructions to refer to Sloboat Case Study, Free Case study tests

Sunday, July 19, 2020

5 Steps You Can Take to Prevent Identity Theft

5 Steps You Can Take to Prevent Identity Theft 5 Steps You Can Take to Prevent Identity Theft 5 Steps You Can Take to Prevent Identity TheftHaving your identity stolen sucks. Here are some steps you can take to make sure your personal info doesnt end up all over the Dark Web.We recently told you what to do when you’re the target of identity theft. But you know what’s really nice? Not being the victim of identity theft in the first place!Thankfully, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your sensitive personal info. Some of the experts from the previous piece have returned with great bits of advice on how identity theft can be prevented in the first place.1. Step up your password game.In our blog about being the target of identity theft, Drew Kellerman, founder of  Phase 2 Wealth Advisors in Gig Harbor, Washington offered advice about why you must change your passwords. Unsurprisingly, having a strong password is also a good way to prevent future identity theft.“It’s a risk to not change your passwords regularly AND to use the same passwords for all acco unts,” warned Justin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer for (@BeenVerified). “Stay away from family names, pet names, birth dates, street names from addresses at which you have lived, etc. Most of this information can be easily found by googling, checking public records or on social media.Include symbols, upper and lower case letters throughout the password (not just the first letter), and numbers. Nonsensical combinations are the safest, but if you must go with something that will be easier to remember, use password phrases instead of words.If you know a foreign language, combine words from another language with English to complete your phrase. And make sure you change your passwords frequently and make them at least 8 characters long and a variety of letters, numbers, symbols and upper and lower case.“Once you set yourself up with a password manager, you’ll never want to look back. Gone will be the days of trying to remember passwords or come up with s trong ones. A password manager creates unbreakable passwords and safely encrypts them. You only need to remember one password to access all of your passwords.“It’s never a good idea to use the same password for various accounts and websites. However, there are a few tricks you can use to create similar passwords with variations that make them difficult to figure out but make full sense to you.For example, if you want to sign up to Facebook you could add ‘FB’ or Instagram as ‘IG’ to the start or end of the password. You could also try a variation of the website’s name by mixing upper and lower cases, symbols, and numbers until you have a password that you like.”2. Get yourself another factor.When it comes to protecting your online accounts, one-factor authentication isnt cool. You know whats cool? Two-factor authentication.“Many companies, especially banks and other financial institutions, now have Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when you log in,” Kellerman explai ned. “This adds a second layer of security and ‘authentication’ above and beyond just your username and password.“While some sites make 2FA mandatory, others offer it as an option. We highly recommend ‘turning on’ two-step verification with every website that offers it. This includes your online email account access. It takes just a few minutes and significantly strengthens your protection against hackers.”3. Stop delaying that browser update.We get it. It’s annoying having those “update” messages come up and having to restart your browser or computer seems is just too much of a hassle. But it’s important.“Surfing the web without an updated browser is like swimming with sharks,” cautioned Lavelle. “It’s not really a matter of if, but when, a cybercriminal will spot youâ€"floundering on the Internet without a cageâ€"and attack.Web browsers often have security updates which require a browser update to take effect. To make sure you’re using the latest ve rsion, visit the homepage of the browser you’re using. It will let you know directly when you arrive to the page.”4. Keep the cell to yourself.We know you’re popular. Everyone wants your digits! But maybe don’t give out those digits all willy-nilly.“Your cell phone number is linked to nearly everything about you,” Lavelle told us. “Giving it out so easily is like inviting a criminal into your home. You should treat your phone number like it’s your social security number. The path to personal information is the same.“You can do so much to protect your device from hackers. But if the actual physical device gets into the hands of a criminal, it will be a lot easier for them to extract or corrupt information. So, don’t leave your phone or laptop unattended in public places.”5. Beware public Wi-fi.Wi-Fi is such a magical development. But, much like magic in nearly any fiction, it can be used for good or evil.“Be cautious with public Wi-Fi,” advised Lavelle. “N ever do any online shopping, banking or other sensitive online activities on a public Wi-Fi network. Although coffee shops, grocery stores, and other public places may have convenient internet connections, they’re often not secure which could allow someone else to easily access your information.”So while identity theft is a pain, you can definitely lower your odds of having to face it. With this advice and the advice from the previous identity theft blog, you’ll be much better prepared to avoid these online jackals.To learn more about protecting yourself from fraudsters, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Never Trust and Always Verify: How to Avoid Getting Scammed Over Email10 Common Scams: How They Work and How to Avoid ThemDating App Dangers: 7 Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed by a Fake RomanceSo Your Package Got Stolen … Now What?Do you have a question about scams and identity theft youd like us to answer?  Let us know! You can find us  on  Facebook  an d  Twitter.  |  InstagramContributorsDrew Kellerman is the founder of  Phase 2 Wealth Advisors in Gig Harbor, Washington.Justin Lavelle  is a Scams Prevention Expert and the Chief Communications Officer of (@BeenVerified). BeenVerified is a leading source of online background checks and contact information. It helps people discover, understand and use public data in their everyday lives and can provide peace of mind by offering a fast, easy and affordable way to do background checks on potential dates. BeenVerified allows individuals to find more information about people, phone numbers, email addresses,  and property records.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Critical Account of Mill’s Liberty Principle Essay

There are essentially two polar views in relation to the liberty of people within society. Anarchist fundamentally believe that the state should have no power to impose limits on its people, whilst those in favour of total government control, believe that liberty should be disregarded and the state allowed to implement any law or policy that it so chooses. In his work ‘On Liberty (1859), John Stuart Mill outlines an alternative, which is a mix of these polar policies. He produced a formula which allows freedom of the individual with some limitations, which is now known as the ‘Liberty Principle. He disregards tyranny as a suitable form of government, but reasons that total freedom would allow abuses to occur. However, Mill’s work was†¦show more content†¦However, this can only exist under the conditions of free speech and expression, limited only by the potential harm that may affect another. If society adheres to these measures then it would effectively b e following the Liberty Principle. (Mill, 1984) Throughout the text, Mill makes it clear that the only time government can intervene in individual lives is to prevent harm that they may cause to others. In chapter 5 he raises some examples that rank as ‘harm.’ He states explicably that using drugs or owing poison should not be banned as long as the individual does not place anyone in harm’s way. The police can limit certain actions that can cause harm, such as forcing violent drunks not to drink. Notably, he claimed that there are acts which performed in private are acceptable, but if those actions where performed in public they may be offensive to others which allows it to fall within the sphere of harm, such as sexually activities. (Mill, 1984) However, this then begs the question, how offensive must an action be to fall within harm’s sphere? He ruled ‘public indecency’ as offensive but it is difficult to see how this causes ‘harm’ based on the his earlier premise that mere offense is not harm. Would persons of different sexually orientations or religions cause harm to others who are against that type of lifestyle? Critics believe that in this instance Mill had allowed his own morals toShow MoreRelatedPhilosophical Approach Of John Stuart Mill1686 Words   |  7 Pagesconception of liberty is? Liberty has the ability to challenge ideas of the past into new ones. Mill expressed his understanding about liberty in several ways in his essay named, On Liberty. In this paper, I will strongly explain the significance of quotation, assumptions mills argument depends upon, limitations in the right of free speech and agreement with Mill’s points of view. Without further ado; let me activate th e critical analysis of Mill’s approach regarding liberty. To commence, Mill’s attemptRead MoreJohn Stuart Mills Case Study On Vaccinations999 Words   |  4 Pagesphilosopher, John Stuart Mill, set out his defence on the presumption in favour of freedom in arguably one of his most famous works, On Liberty (Hoffman Graham 2006, p.38). There, he formulated what he identified as â€Å"a very simple principle† (Hampsher-Monk 2015, p.526): The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection, that the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over anyRead MoreThe Philosophy of Happiness11705 Words   |  47 Pagesto rule out the possibility of impulsive actions done for fun without any reference to one’s long-term happiness. What he means rather is that if you plan your life—and any sensible person, he thinks, ought to have a plan of life, at 14 Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Utility least in the form of a set of priorities—your top priority, your overarching goal, will show what you take to be a worthwhile life, and thus what you mean by ‘happiness’. Indeed, in the light of what Aristotle says, we mightRead MorePorn and Censorship15240 Words   |  61 Pagesshould be censored remains very much alive. †¢ 1. What is pornography? †¢ 2. The shape of the traditional pornography debate o 2.1 Conservative arguments for censorship o 2.2. The traditional liberal defence of a right to pornography ï‚ § 2.2.1 The harm principle ï‚ § 2.2.2 Pornography and offence ï‚ § 2.2.3 The dangers of censorship †¢ 3. Recent liberal dissent †¢ 4. Feminist approaches o 4.1 Feminist arguments against pornography o 4.2 Feminist arguments against legal regulation †¢ 5. Recent debate: liberals andRead MoreJurisprudential Theories on IPR13115 Words   |  53 Pagesproperty, in the ideas, of which he is the discoverer or creator; that his right of property, in ideas, is intrinsically the same as, and stands on identically the same grounds with, his right of property in material things; that no distinction, of principle, exists between the two cases.[40] Writer  Ayn Rand  argued in her book  Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal  that the protection of intellectual property is essentially a moral issue. The belief is that the human mind itself is the source of wealth and survivalRead MoreHerbert Spencer Essay13142 Words   |  53 PagesCarnegie. By the 1880s and 1890s Spencer had become a universally recognized philosopher and scientist. His books were published widely, and his ideas commanded a great deal of respect and attention. His Principles of Biology was a standard text at Oxford. At Harvard, William James used his Principles of Psychology as a textbook. Although some of Spencers more extreme formulations of laissez-faire were abandoned fairly rapidly, even in the United States, he will continue to exert an influence as longRead Moreethical decision making16006 Words   |  65 Pagessometimes feels like there are no â€Å"right† answers. What are your reactions to the three ethical dilemmas? What other information would be helpful to know about these situations to make a decision? CHAPTER FOCUS Virtue or Character Ethics Principle-Based Ethics: Developing Moral Rules Utilitarian Theories: Doing the Most Good for the Most People Deontological Theories: Balancing Rights and Obligations Justice in Health Care Values and Health Policy Ethics of Care Ethical Problems FacedRead MoreEssay about Adam Smith Father of Economics5633 Words   |  23 Pageswriting (Bussing-Burks, 2003). At age fourteen, as was the usual practice, he entered the University of Glasgow on a scholarship and studied moral philosophy under Francis Hutcheson (Bussing-Burks, 2003). Here, Smith developed his passion for liberty, reason, and free speech (Adam Smith, 2008). In 1740, Smith would leave the University of Glasgow after being awarded the Snell exhibition (Buchan, 2006). Upon leaving Glasgow, Smith later attended Balliol College at Oxford, graduating with an extensiveRead MoreApplication of Ethical Theories12285 Words   |  50 Pages(Frederiksen, 2010), and the assessment of managers’ ethical evaluations (Reidenbach Robin, 1990). Most studies aim to identify basic ethical rules that individuals can follow in business or to prescribe frameworks of moral principles to apply in decision making. These moral principles are derived from various traditional ethical theories. The role of ethical theories is less dominant in the field of ethical decision making. Only a few ethical decision-making models rely directly on ethical theories.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Where to Build a Wind Farm †Geography Assessment

In my opinion, the best place to build a wind farm in Cumbria is off the shore of Allonby. This is because; it has a lot of advantages which suit it, for being the best place to build a wind farm; as of its location and ingenious ideology behind it. Moreover, it is an offshore wind farm, which means that it will benefit a lot of homes, as at the sea it is extremely windy. Thus, a lot of electricity is generated, providing a lot of electricity than usual. However, some people would say that, because it is near a town, it’ll be very noisy and distracting to tourists and residents, and will even be an ‘eyesore.’ On the contrary, the wind farm will be 3 metres away from the land, so there is the least possibility of noise pollution and†¦show more content†¦However, it has marshland, and a wind farm cannot be built as of its instability and it is close to a city (Carlisle) which means that, it can possibly disturb tourism activity or increase it, and create noise problems. Also, it would obstruct birds, ecosystems and plants. Besides, Anthorn was on the coast and had some roads, so cars can get through for maintenance, however it had some radio masts and it would interfere with radio signals and be an additional ‘eyesore.’ Moreover, Skiddaw could’ve had the winning chance, but some factors limited it. It had high ground and plenty of spaces, as there were essentially no buildings and it would not affect anyone in terms of noise, as it was on a high mountain. However, it is part of the Lake District and the famous town Bassenthwaite is next to it; and it can be very unattractive. However, as it being closer to a town, it can provide jobs. Albeit, it cannot be accessible to any transport, as it will be high on a mountain; but a helicopter can be the solution. However, the problem cannot be sorted out as thorough. Wind energy is an excellent alternative energy source, as it doesn’t harm the environment – it just uses wind to drive the turbines, which spin around to drive the generator to generate electricity. As for crude oil and fossil fuels, they are running out and also harm the environment. However, this clean energy can very easily be generated. UK has a lot of wind energy up in its highlands, so is ideal forShow MoreRelatedGlobal Consumption Of Primary Energy5456 Words   |  22 Pagesleading role in energy transition. Over the past ten years almost all European countries have significantly increased their share of renewable energy sources. Progress has been made especially in the field of wind power. Denmark for instance generates more than 50% of its electricity from wind and biomass (EIA 2014). 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InRead MoreBp Sustainability Essay28986 Words   |  116 PagesEnvironment Managing our environmental impacts from project start to ï ¬ nish; a local focus on issues, including water management; and how we respond to oil spills 38 Society Working to provide a positive socio-economic impact in the countries where we operate; and ï ¬ ghting corruption 41 Our approach to reporting Tackling sustainability issues in print and online 42 Front cover image Skimmer engaged in clean-up operations in the Gulf of Mexico, US Assurance statement Ernst Young’sRead MoreMineral Resources18511 Words   |  75 Pages This becomes rain, which provides moisture for the lithosphere, on which life depends. The rain also acts on rocks as an agent of erosion and over millions of years has created soil, on which plant life grows. Atmospheric movements in the form of wind, break down rocks into soil. 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The primary inspiration for the book was a friend of Carsons who was concerned about dying birds in her hometown where the authorities had sprayed DDT to control mosquitoes. At about the same time, a disastrous pesticide campaign against the fire ant of the Southeast was receiving national attention. Formerly a science writer for the United States Fish and WildlifeRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words   |  339 PagesHarvard Business School and the architect of and the world’s foremost authority on disruptive innovation. â€Å"Businesses worldwide have been guided and in uenced by e Innovator’s Dilemma and e Innovator’s Solution. Now e Innovator’s DNA shows where it all starts. is book gives you the fundamental building blocks for becoming more innovative and changing the world. One of the most important books to come out this year, and one that will remain pivotal reading for years to come.† Chairman andRead MorePrimary Sector of Economy17717 Words   |  71 Pagescompetitive against those of poor or underdeveloped countries that maintain free market policies and low or non-existent tariffs to counter them.[5][6][7] Such differences also come about due to more efficient production in developed economies, given farm machinery, better information available to farmers, and often larger scale. [edit] List of countries by agricultural output Main article: List of countries by GDP sector composition Global agricultural output from 1970 to 2008. This time covers theRead MoreFinancial Analysis of General Electric98175 Words   |  393 PagesAt GE, we put our ideas to work. Taking them off the paper, out of the lab and into the world. Engineers, scientists, teachers, leaders and doers, all sharing a belief that things can be made to work better. It’s why we come to work every day. To build, power, move and cure the world. We are at work making the world work better. Pictured, left to right: Jeffrey R. Immelt Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Ofï ¬ cer John Krenicki, Jr. Vice Chairman, GE and President Chief Executive Ofï ¬ cerRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesexchanges. Despite these endeavors, the levels of domestic and international violence within human populations and the ravages visited upon animals and the natural world by humans vastly exceeded that of any previous era in history. In a century where human communities globally and individuals locally had the potential to be much more intensely connected by new communications technologies, state-sponsored programs to achieve autarky, a global epidemic of ethnic strife, uncontrolled urban growth

A report on two options for David Mackenzie Co Free Essays

David Mackenzie’s case is that of a typical entrepreneur started and family run business that experiences success and outgrows its existing set-up. Hitherto, Mackenzie thrived on one-off contracts and other local businesses, and his two other companies ran more or less the way it did before he acquired them. All three diverse companies have done financially well, but problems arise when David Mackenzie tries to integrate the operations of these three diverse companies to secure a wider range of orders. We will write a custom essay sample on A report on two options for David Mackenzie Co or any similar topic only for you Order Now The problems relate to the diverse structures and problem of co-ordination among between, hindering the implementation of projects in a smooth and seamless manner. The options mulled by David Mackenzie is first, float a group of companies in the stock exchange, and second merge the three companies into one company. Both these options have their advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and disadvantages of floating the companies in the stock exchange The major advantage of floating the Mackenzie group of companies in the stock exchange, which entails converting the hitherto private limited company into a public limited company (plc), is the ability to raise funds and capital through the sale of securities. The company would be able to sell their shares in the market, and secure large loans easily. Although Mackenzie does not have cash-flow problems at present, it might need infusion of finance as it expands and secures more large overseas orders. Mackenzie could purchase Clyde Electric Ltd only because the company lacked sufficient capital to sustain its growth, and there is every chance that the situation can repeat itself. Mackenzie does not seem to have huge cash reserves to finance possible expansions through internal accruals. Another advantage of listing the company in the stock exchange is infusion of professional corporate governance that Mackenzie group of companies hitherto lacked. Most of Mackenzie’s existing orders were possibly on the basis on personal efforts and one-off relationships, and highly centralized on the David Mackenzie. As the company grows and secures more international and large orders such a structure would not only fail to appeal to large institutional clients, but also fail to sustain the enhanced requirements such as professional decision-making, autonomy, responsibility and the likes. In the present set up all operations would most likely come to a standstill and the company might even fold up in David Mackenzie is not able to involve himself in the active running of the company for a length of time for any reason. A listed company becomes an independent entity and the board of directors would run the company even in the absence of the Managing Director. An added advantage of listing the company in the stock exchange is better visibility for the company, which in turn might lead to more orders. An increase in share prices would also add to the wealth of the shareholders, which would include David Mackenzie. Floating the David Mackenzie group of companies in the stock exchange has its set of disadvantages also. In the present set up, Mackenzie is under no obligation to disclose financial information. A public listed company would have to publish its financial statements on a regular basis, and this can lure in competition to Mackenzie’s lucrative market. The need to disclose financial records and other compliance policies requires certified public accountants, and entails a lot of bureaucratic paperwork. The time, money and effort spend on such activities could be better spend on marketing and operations if the company is not made public. Share values tend to reflect the current financial gains, and most public listed companies thereby tend to take decisions that lead to short-term gains even at the cost of long-term interests. The Mackenzie group of companies may also fall into this trap once it goes public. In the initial stages of floating a public listed company, David Mackenzie is likely to retain a huge majority of shares. As the requirement for cash to fund expansions and large scale operations increases, he might be tempted to sell more of his shares in the open market. This raises the possibility of a hostile takeover, or another party who has purchased a large number of shares from interfering and trying to influence the operations and decision making of the company. The advantages and disadvantages of merging the three companies into a single entity The second option before David Mackenzie is to merge the three companies into one single entity. The main advantage of such a merger is removing duplication in works and efforts. At present, each of the three companies has their own marketing, human resource and finance departments, and the administrative functions and expenses duplicate. A merger could avoid such duplications and not only result in significant savings, but also increase efficiency and better coordination. A single marketing department that takes care of the three units, for instance means that the complaints regarding customers having to contact two or three separate marketing departments for a single project would cease. The marketing department would be able to tap into clients in a more effective manner, without duplicating efforts and providing a wider range of service and commitments. An integrated accounts department would likewise solve the issue of duplicate or missing invoices, and lead to better financial control and analysis of profitability of each project. The merger would likely result in the retrenchment of some redundant staff, but this also gives an opportunity to cut down on low-performers, and redeploy performers in a better manner. Another major advantage of mergers is the ability of these three companies to pool in their resources in the form of client database, office space, infrastructure and the like, all of which would facilitate growth. Mergers however come with their own disadvantages. Although there would be savings on fixed costs, a merged monolith is likely to have a higher per unit operational cost compared to the per unit operating cost of three separate entities. This will not be a cause for concern when times are good and there are plenty of orders, but when economic times go bad and orders diminish, this will have a negative effect and the higher unit cost could make the organization uncompetitive. The merger would also make it difficult to hive off a unit if, in future the unit becomes non-profitable and cuts into the profitability of the entire organization. Three different entities ensure that failure, mismanagement or shortcomings of one unit would not have a significant impact on the other two units. Merger will ensure that activities of one unit would have a significant on the other two units. The administrative act of effecting a merger is relatively easy. The main challenge in the case of the Mackenzie group of companies would relate to integrating the three diverse companies, with three different modes of operations and internal systems. Another challenge is ensuing integration and co-ordinations of the operations of the three diverse units. While a merger would reduce duplication, unless the operational activities re-orient towards the three different sub-units of the new company working towards a common goal, the redundancies and delays in commissioning are likely to persist. How to cite A report on two options for David Mackenzie Co, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Manage budgets and financial plans free essay sample

Based on the master budget, there have something wrong and unclear. All the numbers are the same, evenly quarter two have more sale than other quarter, at least less 30% than quarter two. We can easy to recognize with a few changes and we can achieve a goal $1. 000. 000 Option 1: Sales on Q1, Q3 and Q4 less 30% than Q2. That’s mean the volume of Q2 going to increase 30% than other and the commission will increase 30% as well Option 2: Decrease Cost of Goods Sold and Expense by 20% due to the current economic climate. By that way we can get more revenue by produce more volume for sale and also we can deal with supplier to get a special price, that cheaper than before. If they not agree with that, we can use another resource to replace that. Also we can use a promotion or gift that make customer happy to pay for our product and they will be back next time. We will write a custom essay sample on Manage budgets and financial plans or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Reduce employment expenses 20%= reduce staff, the net profit will be $1,051,500 Option 3: Decrease Expense and Commissions The commission negotiated with members of the sales team is now at 2. 5%, therefore the company will pay more for the commission and gross profit every quarter had changed too. Those things made the Net Profit before Tax reduce a bit. It’s going down from $938,500 to $923,500. We have to have a plan to control the expense, reduce the cost of product, try to used-up the old material and do not advertise a new product without a plan. Set a new goal to achieve, per half its can motivate employees working harder and per half can save a money for commission. From option 1 to option 3, we can easy to recognize that reduce the cost of goods sold, expense and increases sale volume are the best way to achieve a goal. We do not need to reduce the workforce or increase the price of sale, that way will put our business in risky Task B Based on Sales cost centre expense budget We got so may argue about the expense budget between each sales centre. Sales centre A, they had achieved great success over the last year and consistently outsells other sales centres. In fact, due to the large number of accounts managed by our sales team and larger staff, Sales centre A is expected to sell as much volume as the other two sales centres put together. That means, the expense budget for Sales centre A must be more than other, at least twice time then the other centre. Because, they need a lot of money to pay for their cost, such as Wages, telephone, office supplies, and commission. That seems not fair for Sale centre A. Contingency plan template Contingency Plan Company name: Big Red Bicycle Pty Ltd Person developing the plan: Nguyen, Hoang Sachit Mahat Name: Nguyen, Hoang Sachit MahatPosition Manager of Sale Centre A Risk identified: Strategies/activities to minimise the risk By when By whom Evaluate total expense and reduce any unnecessary expense: Wages, advertising, staff amenities†¦ 10/01/2014 All store Deal with supplier to reduce cost of gods sold or change to new supplier 10/01/2014 CEO Michelle Yeo Find out and fix the problem from accounting department, change new senior accountant 02/01/2014 CEO Michelle Yeo Prepare to negotiate necessary changes to the budget, cash flow and profit projections 5/01/2014 New senior accountant Identify areas of the budget that are not achievable, inaccurate or unclear 1/01/2014 New senior accountant Set a new goal for staff to achieve, make them work harder 20/01/2014 CEO Michelle Yeo Training staff for customer services and more promotion for customer 15/01/2014 All store

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Italian Restaurant Business Plan Essay Example

Italian Restaurant Business Plan Essay Example Italian Restaurant Business Plan Essay Italian Restaurant Business Plan Essay This business plan for The Pasta House Co. – Fenton (PHC) reflects the opportunity to purchase the assets and leasehold improvements of the restaurant currently operating as  JD Drews. The current owner  is interested in selling the operations, as the store is not doing the volume he thought it would and he would like to get out of this location and the debt service he has incurred. My  goal is to submit this business plan to his bank in the event  he is unable to make loan or rent payments and defaults on the loan. We will be a position to take over the SBA loan, and with additional funds added, convert this location to a profitable Pasta House Co. franchise  restaurant. The location is only 1/4 of a mile away from Gravois Bluffs, the largest land moving project to put in a major shopping  complex  in the state of Missouri. The rent is half  the retail shops in Gravois Bluffs, yet the location offers the same  opportunity for sales. The recently completed highway 141 offers  hundreds of thousands of local residents, shoppers from outside the area, and travelers that use this new highway. With this high concentration of customers there  are no Italian restaurants in Fenton and a tremendous need for an upscale family  restaurant that offers items for both the children and adults. This turnkey operation  seats 170 customers and  is the perfect size for a PHC family operation. With the current leasehold improvements and quality kitchen equipment it would take very little to upgrade this operation to the legendary PHC winning formula. The  growth in numbers of  high income families in the Fenton area is projected at over 30%. There is a need for a family fine dining restaurant in the Fenton area. PHC would be the perfect neighborhood restaurant in the perfect neighborhood. The Pasta House Co. in Fenton will be the second location for Dennis Boldt, who  has  operated a  successful franchise unit in High Ridge, Missouri for 20 years. The Pasta House Co. based out of St. Louis,  and now has over 34 successful company and franchise locations in the United States and Mexico. PHC Fenton will have a prime location, great food, a proven concept, super franchise support, no competition, a senior management  and crew, a fantastic neighborhood arketing program, a huge catering base to build on, personalized service in a warm Italian imported grocery store atmosphere, and the support of the community resulting in a  highly profitable PHC  restaurant in Fenton. 1. 1 Mission The Pasta House Co. mission is to be a full service, family Italian restaurant offering affordable, high quality Italian cuisine inspired by authentic family recipes. Our goal is to provide our customers with an entire dining experience that exceeds  their  expectations on every visit. We do this by recommending add-on items that will enhance their dining experience. Our restaurant is clean and the quality is always high. We value the people  who work for us. Quality employees make quality food, keep the restaurant cleaner, give better service, and stay employed longer because they like working at The Pasta House Co. We have found that friendly managers hire friendly crew people and friendly crew people attract customers. 1. 2 Objectives The objective is to purchase the current assets and leasehold improvements of the JD Drews restaurant  and convert  the existing restaurant to a  profitable and successful  Pasta  House  Co. franchise unit. I plan to duplicate the successful formula  used at The Pasta House Co. , High Ridge location that I have owned and operated for over  20 years. Using the same strategies and having an in-depth management crew to back me up  will ensure outstanding results at this new fast-growing  location. My objectives are as follows: * Provide the highest quality Pasta House Co. food and service that the community has been  receiving for over  20 years at  the High Ridge location. * Create an atmosphere where each person can work as a team member,  with clear goals and high standards  that profit everyone. Combine the corporate marketing strategies with my own to build volume quickly. * First year sales to hit between $1. 5 and $2 million with 10% growth in first few years. * High Gross margins. * Maintain food  and labor costs consistent with High Ridge. * Maintain and expand  my outstanding  reputation. * Remain a neighborhood family restaurant. * Be the first fine dinin g Italian Restaurant in Fenton (the fastest growing community in Missouri). 1. 3 Keys to Success * The Pasta House Co. name and reputation is  well known  in the  St. Louis area. The food served is voted a St. Louis favorite every year. The products we serve are of the highest quality. We combine this quality with great service and atmosphere. We then add menu items that  appeal to  all ages of the family as well as single adults. * Current management staff  and crew have a great deal of experience. * Location, Location, Location! Some people have named the intersection of Hwy 30 and 141 The Golden Circle. Fenton is the fastest growing community in the entire state of Missouri! * This shopping center location is  three years old. Every spot in the center is filled and the main anchor is a Dierbergs grocery store, the highest quality grocery chain in the area. This location offers private rooms on a reservation basis. I have developed the bulk food and catering large pa rty’s concept at my other location and plan to promote it with the party rooms. * A frequent diner program  and birthday club will be available to promote repeat customers  as well as a tool to  track sales. * Management that treats every employee equally. We create an atmosphere where employees love coming to work and can earn good money. * Great employees make for a great restaurant. The Pasta House Co. in High Ridge has been very successfully  serving the High Ridge and Fenton area for 20 years. We have sponsored 25 little league ball teams, donated to thousands of events, worked with schools and churches in Fenton to better the community, catered thousands of events in the area, and hired and worked with hundreds of young people, adults, and their families. Topic 5. 3. 1, Sales Forecast shows our tremendous yearly sales growth rate over the last 20 years. This year is on track to be another record year. Our Frequent Diner Program is in place at High Ridge with over 6,000 customers who frequent the churches. This loyalty program rewards customers with a $25. 00 Gift Certificate when they spend $250. 0, as well as a Birthday and Anniversary cards to celebrate a meal with us. The program has been a huge success for the past  three years, rewarding customers  and insuring future repeat business. Ask anyone who lives in Fenton and you will find we have developed quite a reputation in the community. The Pasta House Co. was founded in 1974, and they have built it to 34 locatio ns in Missouri, Illinois,  Kentucky, Mexico, and  The Dominican Republic. The Fenton restaurant will reflect  the intimate charm of an Italian Grocery Store with framed Italian prints and Italian American pop art. Both the menu and  ambiance  will appeal to an upscale customer as well as the entire family. Below are the current PHC Company owned locations: 1. 15601 Manchester Rd. , Ellisville, MO. 63011 2. 8213 Delmar, University City, MO 63124 3. 300 Crestwood Plaza, Crestwood, MO 63126 4. 11202 West Florissant Rd. , Florissant, MO 63033 5. 280 Northwest Plaza, St. Ann, MO 63043 6. 6214 South Lindbergh, St. Louis, MO 63123 7. 14 St. Louis Galleria, Richmond Heights, MO 63117 Below are the PHC franchise owned locations: 1. 1245 East Main, Carbondale, IL. 62901 2. 1020 Lincoln Ave. , Jacksonville, IL. 2650 3. 12 Chesterfield Mall, Chesterfield, MO 63017 4. 12445 Dorsett Rd. , Maryland Heights, MO 63043 5. 6570 North Illinois St. , Fairview Heights, IL 62208 6. 180 East Center Dr. , Alton, IL 62002 7. 1623 Big Bill Road, Arnold, MO 63010 8. 9012 Gravois Rd. , St. Louis, MO 63123 9. 3985 South Service Road, St. Peters, MO 63376 10. 4517 Highway 30, High Ridge, MO 63049 11. 309 North Euclid, S t. Louis, MO 63108 12. Concourse D. 10701 Lambert Intl Airport, St. Louis, Mo 13. 700 N. Ballas Rd. , St. Louis, MO 63141 14. 2800 Southwest Plaza Drive, Springfield, IL 62704 15. 300 South 44th St. Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 16. 205 Kentucky Oaks Mall, Paducah, KY 42001 17. 4204 Highway 54, Osage Beach, MO 65065 18. 155 West Park Mall, Cape Giradeau, MO 63701 19. 931 Valley Creek Dr. , Farmington, MO 63640 20. 1100 Knipp St. , Columbia, MO 65203 21. 318 East Washington, Belleville, IL 62221 22. 4109 S. National, Springfield, MO 65804 23. Ens Naco, Santa Domingo, R. D. Dominican Republic 24. St. Louis University Campus Franchise restaurants are independent franchisees of The Pasta House Company Franchises, Inc. The above franchise restaurants are each independently owned and operated. Company Summary 2. 1 Company Ownership The existing Pasta House Co. franchise in High Ridge is owned and operated by Dennis and Janice Boldt, with Dennis acting as President. It was established in 1983 under  Delex Corporation DBA/The Pasta House Co. in Gravois Village Center, High Ridge, Missouri. The proposed Fenton  franchise would be also owned and operated  by Dennis and Janice Boldt, with Dennis acting as President and Janice as Secretary/Treasurer. The new location will operate under the name Delex Corp. (second location)DBA/ The Pasta House Co. Fenton. . 2 Start-up Summary The JD Drews facility would come with all equipment, food, liquor, leasehold improvements,  employees, and management staff. We would assume the current SBA loan of $325,000, and start-up expense of $350,000. With cash input of interest-free loans  from  three different parties  totaling $75,000, the loan balance using an SBA secured loan would be $600,000 at 9. 5% interest over a 15 year term . As assets to secure the loan we would put up Delex Corp. dba The Pasta House Co. 4517 Gravois Village Center  in High Ridge, and our home if needed. A starting bank account of $90,000 will be used, only if needed, for unexpected costs associated with the start up. Start-up equipment list would include the following items: (quality used equipment will be purchase whenever possible to control costs, and then, only if equipment is in like-new condition) 1. Twenty quart Hobart mixer 2. Steam kettle 3. Refrigerated 4 drawer system 4. Refrigerated 2 drawer system 5. Pizza box refrigerated  stand alone box 6. Dessert display case 7. Eight-burner commercial gas stove 8. Commercial Parmesan cheese grinder 9. Meat slicer 10. Flip top refrigerated 6-foot saute box 11. Stand up Freezer 12. Kitchen and dining room small wares 13. Less trade-in or  sale of  used equipment not needed in the current operations. Start-up| | | Requirements| | | | Start-up Expenses| | Expensed Items| $0 | Small wares| $3,000 | Liquor License| $400 | Crew and Manger Training at High Ridge| $10,000 | Advertising| $1,000 | Insurance Deposits| $3,000 | Other Expensed Items| $0 | Total Start-up Expenses| $17,400 | | | Start-up Assets| | Cash Required| $90,000 | Start-up Inventory| $10,000 | Other Current Assets| $10,000 | Long-term Assets| $547,600 | Total Assets| $657,600 | | | Total Requirements| $675,000 | Start-up Funding| | | Start-up Expenses to Fund| $17,400 | Start-up Assets to Fund| $657,600 | Total Funding Required| $675,000 | | | Assets | | Non-cash Assets from Start-up| $567,600 | Cash Requirements from Start-up| $90,000 | Additional Cash Raised| $0 | Cash Balance on Starting Date| $90,000 | Total Assets| $657,600 | | | | | Liabilities and Capital| | | | Liabilities| | Current Borrowing| $0 | Long-term Liabilities| $600,000 | Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)| $0 | Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)| $75,000 | Total Liabilities| $675,000 | | | Capital| | | | Planned Investment| | Owner| $0 | Investor| $0 | Additional Investment Requirement| $0 | Total Planned Investment| $0 | | | Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)| ($17,400)| Total Capital| ($17,400)| | | | | Total Capital and Liabilities| $657,600 | | | Total Funding | $675,000 | Market Analysis Summary The Fenton area has 48 restaurants which include: * 18 Fast Food/Pizza/Sub Restaurants * 11 Sports bars/Up Scale Burger Restaurants * 2 Barbecue  Restaurants * 6 Chinese  Restaurants * 5 Banquet/Catering Operations * 4 Breakfast/Lunch  Restaurants 1 Upscale Full Service  Restaurant   (OCharles opened 2002) Source:   1998/2003 Market Statistics Estimates, Scan/US, Inc. (800)272-2687 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (800)272-2687  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  end_of_the_skype_highlighting The need for another fine dining family  restaurant  in the  Fenton   The marketing pl an is to provide a fine dining, full service, family  restaurant, where the entire family can enjoy a great meal, at  a reasonable price. The Pasta House Co. restaurant is the perfect neighborhood restaurant, where adults and children can always find their favorite dish, and receive consistent quality and great service. With the addition of the new Gravois Bluffs  shopping complex  less than 1/4 of a mile away, this addition will bring more  customers and families from all over St. Louis to shop and eat in the area. The market customers for The Pasta House Co. would develop from: * Local Neighborhood Marketing Program * Customer Frequent Diner Loyalty Program * Suggestive Selling Program to increase average check * Birthday and Anniversary marketing mailings * Market saturation and community outreach programs * PHC High Ridge successfully serving  customer in the community for over 20 years * PHC is known in St. Louis since 1974 * High shopping in the area * Tremendous growth in upper level family income 4. 1 Market Segmentation The market analysis table shows that within a three mile circle  98% are families. This is our customer base which we cater to. The  table below shows the tremendous growth of the Fenton area. Please take note the greater  increase in income levels the greater the projected growth levels. The chart shows the potential  upper income families who enjoy eating out. Market Analysis| | | Year 1| Year 2| Year 3| Year 4| Year 5| | Potential Customers| Growth| | | | | | CAGR| Population in Families| 5% | 113,793 | 119,710 | 125,935 | 132,484 | 139,373 | 5. 20% | Population in Non-families| 5% | 13,698 | 14,410 | 15,159 | 15,947 | 16,776 | 5. 20% | Population in Group Quarters| 5% | 1,348 | 1,415 | 1,486 | 1,560 | 1,638 | 4. 99% | Total| 5. 20% | 128,839 | 135,535 | 142,580 | 149,991 | 157,787 | 5. 20% | 4. 2 Target Market Segment Strategy Our focus is the upper income  level  families living and shopping  in the area. The Pasta House Co. will focus on the income level of at least $60,000 and above, and the 98% families living and shopping in the area. We focus on these specific groups because these are the types of people who frequent The Pasta House Co. They are the ones that are willing to spend their money on good dining and service at a value price. 4. 3 Service Business Analysis In the St. Louis market the competition for the upper level income business has been intense. National chains that were not here 10 years  ago have poured into  St. Louis. The  number of new restaurants has increased dramatically over the last several years and should continue to expand, all with the intent of capturing a portion of the upper level market. Below is a list of  new and expanding restaurants  in St. Louis:   * Macaroni Grill * Dave amp; Busters * Hard Rock Cafe * Hooters * Lone Star Steak House * Max amp; Ermas * Outback Steak House * Ruby Tuesday * St. Louis Bread Company * Bandana * Chevys * Fridays * OMacaroni * Olive Garden * California Pizza Kitchen * Tippins (out of business December 2002) * Chilis * Crazy Fish (Closed July 2003) * Red Robin (Opened July 2002) * The Cheese Cake Factory  (Opened November 2002) * Smoky Bones (Opened January 2003) * P. F. Changs (Opened December 2002) In the year 2002 McDonalds  no longer held the title as having  the most  locations in the United States. There are now more Subway restaurants in the U. S. than McDonalds. Many of the above restaurant chains will find the St. Louis area a  very competitive market. The restaurants that are still standing several years from now will be the ones who provided customers with the best product, at the best price and consistently exceeded their customers’ expectations. The Pasta House Co. will be a major player in St. Louis no matter what players are still  around. 4. 3. 1 Competition and Buying Patterns PHC High Ridge: Owned and Operated by Dennis Boldt for 20 years. (Sister Store to Fenton) Located only four miles away this Pasta House Co. ocation is in Jefferson County and seems to be outside the normal traffic patterns of the customers who live in the Fenton area. Increases in business have  shown a steady growth and should continue. We have found that over 90% of our customers come from west, south and east of the store. Because the store is located in Jefferson County, most c ustomers who live in Fenton  do not travel west  towards rural Jefferson County. With our Frequent Diner customer base we estimate  a loss in business from the customers who would  go to the new location would be about 5% of sales. This would be only a short lived loss as the entire area is growing at a  tremendous rate. OCharles: Opened in 2002, Located 1/4 of a mile away in the new Gravois Bluffs Shopping Center OCharles has a better location with a free standing building in the new Gravois Bluffs Shopping Center. They offer a full service fine dining family atmosphere. This national chain offers a complete menu of items, including a childrens menu. The inside of the restaurant is very nice, with fine woods and a warm atmosphere. Local community involvment is limited. They seem to market towards adults more than children. Given the choice, kids will choose Pasta House every time. Un-tested long term growth and management abilities. Red Robin: Opened in 2002, Located 1/4 of a mile away in the new Gravois Bluffs Shopping Center Red Robin is an  up-scale burger  restaurant with a big name and big look inside. It took over  two years to open this store because of franchise problems. Food items are served in  plastic baskets, this concept is more of an up-scale fast food  establishment than a fine dining concept. Limited adult menu, lots of noise, high priced drinks, no local marketing, and lack of a long-term track record in St. Louis  all limit this  restaurant  as real competition. Smoky Bones:  To Open in 2003 in the  Gravois Bluffs Shopping Center   This is a new concept restaurant and is backed by the Red Lobster  Corporation. Not a lot  is known about this  restaurant  expect they have a big name behind them and a great free standing location. Limited menu, no local marketing, and lack of a long-term track record  also limit this  restaurant as real competition. Strategy and Implementation Summary Every customer who has eaten at a Pasta House Co. is a potential customer. The better we run this Pasta House location the more business we will do. Customers will know that they can get better quality PHC food at this location. They will know that the service is better, and the people are better. The look of the new location will be fresh and clean. The area needs a fine dining family restaurant. The area needs a big name local operation with a home-grown name like The Pasta House Co. 5. 1 Competitive Edge This is what gives us the competitive edge to insure a profitable home-grown expansion: * Proven Pasta House Co. concept since 1974 * Proven track record of PHC High Ridge serving the area for over 20 years * Best home-grown training in the industry Senior PHC High Ridge  management  and crew to open with * Local marketing in all age ranges * Known costs with purchase of an turnkey restaurant * Current staff and management  from JD  Drews * Close and strong support of PHC  President and Senior Management * Strong food and supply vendors with very high quality products * On-going support from PHC Corporation 5. 2 Mark eting Strategy We at The Pasta House Co. ,  including all management,  crew personnel, supervisors, vendors, design people, family and friends,  and new hires will put forth  100%  effort to insure a profitable opening and on-going operations. A fine tuned advertising  campaign  and new store opening has been developed by The Pasta House Co. president Kim Tucci. Construction is handled by Joe Fresta who has built and opened over 31 locations. 5. 3 Sales Strategy The sales strategy is to sign up as many frequent diner customers as possible at the new location as well as High Ridge. Using the Frequent Diner Program in place a High Ridge for  three years, we plan to further cement the loyal customers in the area. We will honor  6,000 club members with  points at both locations. We plan on taking advantage of  The Pasta House Co. arket  saturation in St. Louis. We will build and expand  on that customer base by exceeding customer’s expectations. This will bring back old customers and  bring in new customers to the Fenton location. We plan on up-selling customers with our current suggestive selling program. From the hostess to the waiters and waitress our staff has successfully increased the average che ck for add-on sales from 5% of the average check three years ago to over 13%. This insures an increase in profit without having to depend on an increase in customer counts or price increases. 5. 3. Sales Forecast A sales forecast of 5. 0% increase in volume over the current High Ridge location is based on the following: * Increased visibility and known area of St. Louis. Everyone knows where Fenton is, and  few know where High Ridge  is located. * Increased   traffic flow with the intersection of Highways 141  and 30, with over double the traffic in the area. * Increased customers staying in the area to shop. Two major shopping centers compared to a 20 year old strip center. * Increased retail employee business. * 26% larger space inside, with 30% more customer  seating. Outside  seating area during the  spring through  fall seasons  increases the seating by 60% over HR. * Brand new PHC look inside. * Private rooms available, to cater private parties. * Closer to t he  eight hotels in the area. * Better location closer to St. Louis, where the action is. 5. 4 Milestones I have full confidence in all of the managers, designers, and PHC people who will make this a huge success. DENNIS BOLDT * SBA loan and Business Plan * Bank Account * Franchise Purchase * Legal and review of Lease * Equipment Purchase * Sign Purchases and install Software POS system install * Corporation set up, Insurance, Deposits, Liquor License * PHC Design Work with Joe Fresta of The Pasta House Co. * Oversee entire transformation and operations of the group VINCE LARATTA * Crew and manager hiring and training * New equipment installed * Food amp; liquor purchases delivery and stocking * Crew and manager scheduling * Maintenance and repairs * Advertising JAN BOLDT/CAROLYN FINCH AND COMPANY (team of 6 designers from Tulsa, OK) * PHC design work walls and floors design with Joe Fresta of PHC * Shelving nd displays in place * Design of dining room look * Record keeping of pur chases and budget * Permits, liquor licenses, start up requirements paperwork Joe Fresta, Vice President of the Pasta House Co. * PHC design work and construction work * Oversee display of dining room * Oversee kitchen equipment purchase and layout * Advise owner when needed Web Plan Summary The Pasta House Co. Corporation   has a website at www. pastahouse. com. In the year 2004 we plan on setting up a website for PHC High Ridge and PHC Fenton that will be linked to the corporate website. Using their format our site will include information about our local franchise units, however we plan on expanding the marketing of using a website by customers and the crew. In this age of communication more and more customers look to a website for information and assistance in purchasing products. We will be part of that great communication tool used by everyone every day. 6. 1 Website Marketing Strategy Marketing in an Internet retail business depends on recognition for expertise. It starts with our existing store front customer base, informing them of our Internet presence and encouraging their word-of-mouth recommendations to others. As linked to www. pastahouse. com  corporate website our local customer can come to our site for a more local flavor and personal assistance for their needs. We will develop and maintain a database of  our 6,000  loyalty Frequent Diner customers. From there the  website will  serve the following needs of our customer base. * Provide local information about our PHC locations to the local community * New customers can sign up for our   frequent diner/birthday programs * Customers can check their Frequent Diner points online * Catering information and contacts provided Provide references and pictures of  successful catering jobs * With a special password, crew can check their schedule on a moments notice * Purchase Gift Certificates from our stores * Purchase the new Gift Cards * Purchase retail items on line and have them shipped as gifts * Gift Basket information (Gift Baskets are sold at High Ridge and Fenton location only) * Employment information online * Company wide promotions and new store openings * Promotional coupons online * Provide new food items in the restaurant General information on other events in the area 6. 2 Development Requirements Because corporate PHC  has a website, I plan on working very closely with their Web designer. Each year the best websites are posted at www. techtv. com. Using this source will enable me to enhance our website to a simple but very effective tool to increase sales at the retail level. Development of the site will change based on our customers’ needs now and in the future as new ideas come forward for using this communication tool. Management Summary The management team to run  the day-to-day operations and shifts  at the new location will include Dennis Boldt, Vince Laratta, Denise Shaw, an additional dining room manager, and a kitchen manager, both  to be named closer to the  opening date. The High Ridge managers will include, Dennis Boldt, Janet Boxx, two new managers and a kitchen manager to be named later. People are the single most important element in our operations We value the managers and staff as the single most important element in running a quality operation; the managers need to be all on the same page of operations. We have found that friendly strong managers make friendly strong crew people. From that crew comes the next generation of managers and a quality operation. The customers can see it in the quality of the food, how clean the store is and how friendly and fast they are served. In the past 19 years we have had  eight crew people go on to become managers at other Pasta House locations and other restaurants. We also have a deep bench to select our management team from. The current  JD Drews  store  also has managers that I have been told are doing a fine job. We will consider them as manager andidates and make decisions based on the best interests of the restaurant. Below is our management game plan: FENTON MANAGEMENT STAFF DENNIS BOLDT, PRESIDENT/OWNER OPERATOR * Owner Operator of The Pasta House Co. franchise located in High Ridge since 1983 * Duties: strategic development, back-office administration, financial analysis, internal control, taxes and accounting records,  payroll,   daily operations, quality control, advertising, food costs, labor costs, liquor cost, oversee management controls, maintenance and repairs, and building the business  profits. VINCE LARATTA, GENERAL MANAGER General Manager of  The Pasta House Co. High Ridge for 15 years. Before that Vince worked as a waiter at several Pasta House locations. * Duties:  daily operations, new management development, scheduling, ordering, food, labor, and liquor controls, quality controls, maintenance/repairs,  crew training,  employment, crews hourly wages,  pay increases, and overall  store operations. DENICE SHAW, DINING ROOM MANAGER/KITCHEN MANAGER * Kitchen Manager of  The Pasta House Co. High Ridge for 4 years Denise has recently completed training, been promoted to Dining Room manager and has been running shifts for the past year. On her  fifth year as a manager Denise has a real talent for  dealing with all aspects of the business. * Duties:  daily operations, ordering, inventory, quality controls, kitchen procedures, labor and food costs controls, scheduling,  new hires,  crew moral, and overall kitchen operations. Denise will use her experience to train and oversee the new kitchen manager coming on board. HIGH RIDGE MANAGEMENT STAFF DENNIS BOLDT, OWNER OPERATOR/PRESIDENT * Dennis will work 2-3 shifts per week as the manager on duty at High Ridge until management staff can be trained and cover the shifts. JANET BOXX, GENERAL manager PHC HIGH RIDGE * Kitchen crew person, kitchen manager, Dining Room manager, and general manager for The Pasta House Co. for 13 years. Janet has done a fine job at PHC High Ridge as a manager for the past  eight years. One of Janets strengths is her ability to deal with people. Because of Janet and her people skills we have lost very few crew people to other locations. * Duties: daily operations,  scheduling, ordering, food, labor, and liquor controls, quality controls, crew training,  employment, and overall  store operations. POSSIBLE EMPLOYEES TO PROMOTE TO MANAGEMENT (not in any order) Al Fillenwarth, waiter  PHC  High Ridge 16 years. Al has  his  Masters Degree in accounting and is recognized as a leader among the crew. Ryan  Mulligan,  lead cook for High Ridge for  six years. Presently working with the State of Missouri and wants to get back into the restaurant  business as a kitchen manager. Janet  Koth, manager for  High Ridge  for  10 years is presently going to school part time and working at another restaurant. Janet was a  fine manager for me for  four years before she and her sister  opened their own kitchen in central  Missouri. Sara Armstrong, PHC High Ridge kitchen employee for  three years, Sara went on to work at several other  restaurants and is currently the kitchen manager of another restaurant. Sara has 10 years of kitchen experience and would be considered for the kitchen manager position if she is interested. Anna Minney, PHC employee for 16 years, has worked as our secretary at High Ridge for the past  five years. Anna has the respect of the crew as a manager and knows all aspects of the operation. Steve Bewig,   PHC lead cook  at High Ridge has excellent cooking skills and would make a fine kitchen manager. Bill Hobbs,  current manager JD Drews Bill has been the dining room manager for JD Drews for the past  three years and has worked with the owner for the past  seven years. Bill comes highly recommended as a manager. Ron Caputa,  dining room manager JD Drews Ron has been the dining room manager   for the past  three years and comes highly dining room from the current owner . As we get closer to opening the management personnel will firm up with the above candidates and others they may come into the picture. We will not promote a person who is not right for the position. Shifts will be covered with current candidate’s staff at both locations until the right person can be promoted. The entire candidate’s staff must act as a solid team. 7. 1 Personnel Plan Management fixed  costs at the Fenton location  is as follows: * Dennis Boldt @ $30,000 * Vince Laratta @ $60,000 * Denise Shaw @$39,000 * Dining Room Manager @ $32,000 * Kitchen Manager @ $25,000 * Total  Management Costs   $186,000 Management Team at High Ridge * Dennis Boldt * Janet Boxx * Dining Room Manager * Dining Room Manager * Kitchen Manager Kitchen labor at both locations would be  11. 3% of sales. Dining Room  labor at both locations would be  6. 1% of sales. Payroll taxes  10% of sales. Financial Plan 1. Growth will be moderate, cash flows steady. 2. Sales increase at a steady rate of 4% per year. 3. Costs will increase at a rate of 1% to 2% per year. 4. The company will invest residual profits into financial markets and not company expansion (unless absolutely necessary). 5. General maintenance and repairs will be kept up to maintain a solid operation. 6. Future cash investments will use NPV projections to achieve maximum return with limited risk. 8. 1 Important Assumptions The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the following table as annual figures. The key underlying assumptions are: * We assume JD Drews will be unable to make their note payment or lease payment and will have to default on their loans. * We assume that we will  take over the  SBA note payment and acquire all of the assets and leasehold improvements. * We assume the equipment is in good working order. * We assume this will happen in the next  three to six months. * We assume a slow-growth economy, without major recession. * We assume that there are no unforeseen changes in the expectancy in the popularity of our candidates. We assume access to  loans and financing are sufficient to maintain and fulfill our financial plan as shown in the tables. * We assume the landlord will have no problem allowing us to take over the current  lease. * We assume The Pasta House Co. will approve our leasehold improvements and budget. 8. 2 Projected Profit and Loss The most important assumption in the Projected Profit and Loss statement is the gross margin. Although it d oesnt jump drastically in the first year, over time the restaurant will develop its customer base and reputation and the growth will pick up more rapidly towards the fourth and fifth years of business. Month-by-month assumptions for profit and loss are included in the appendix. 8. 3 Projected Cash Flow The cash flow depends on assumptions for inventory turnover, payment days, and accounts receivable management. Our projected same-day collections are critical, and are reasonable and customary in the restaurant industry. We do not expect to need significant additional support even when we reach the less profitable months, as they are expected. The  first  six months of PHC openings have shown huge sales volumes. We expect this volume; however our projections do not reflect  this high volume. We have done this in the event there are normal sales  during the first  six months. 8. 4 Projected Balance Sheet The projected Balance Sheet is quite solid. We do not anticipate difficulty meeting our debt obligations providing that we achieve our specific goals. 8. 5 Business Ratios We expect our net profit margin, and gross margin to increase steadily over the three-years. Our net working capital will increase by year three, proving that we have the cash flows to remain a going concern. The following table shows these important financial ratios. Industry profile ratios based

Monday, March 2, 2020

Without Let

Without Let Without Let Without Let By Maeve Maddox A reader coming across this sentence in Arthur Miller’s An Air-conditioned Nightmare (1945) was puzzled by the use of the word let: Night  and day  without let  the radio drowns us in a hog-wash of the most nauseating, sentimental ditties. Asks the reader, â€Å"Could this be a typo for â€Å"without let-up†? The English word let functions as a verb, a noun, and an adjective. Its use as a noun meaning hindrance or obstacle dates to the twelfth century. An obsolete meaning of let as a verb is â€Å"hinder or prevent.† This is the meaning of let in the King James translation of Romans 1:13: Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto). Paul is saying that he wanted to come but was prevented from doing so. In the Miller quotation, let is a noun, the object of the preposition without. In this context let means, hindrance, stoppage, or obstruction. The â€Å"ditties† described are unceasing. They come over the radio without stopping. Miller could have written, â€Å"Night  and day  without let-up  the radio drowns us in a hog-wash of the most nauseating, sentimental ditties.† The thought would be the same, but the connotation would be different. Miller’s intention is to distance himself from what he perceives as mind-numbing and vulgar noise. His feeling about the music is reflected in his choice of words. The word let-up belongs to the same register of language as hogwash and ditties. The more formal let sets the writer on a higher plane. For many modern speakers, the only familiar use of let as a noun occurs in the phrase â€Å"without let or hindrance,† as in Article 22 of the Actors’ Equity Association rule book (2011-2015): It is agreed that deputies may be designated by Equity without let or hindrance. The phrase is a fossilized doublet (two words that mean the same thing) common in legal writing, as in these examples: Her Britannic Majestys Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.- British passport. Henceforth the Vendor shall not have any right, title or interest in the Scheduled Apartment which shall be enjoyed absolutely by the Buyer without any let or hindrance from the Vendor or anyone claiming through them.- Generic sale form available by download. Miller was not alone among twentieth-century writers who used let in the sense of hindrance: They beat us to surrender weak with fright, And tugging and tearing without let or pause.- â€Å"Birds of Prey.† Claude McKay. Now that he knew himself to be self he was free to grok ever closer to his brothers, merge without let. - Stranger in a Strange Land. Robert A. Heinlein. Note: Heinlein coined the word grok. In this context it means, â€Å"to empathize or communicate sympathetically with.† The word is used by modern computer programmers with the meaning â€Å"to understand deeply†: Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works. The design of the Mac wasn’t what it looked like, although that was part of it. Primarily, it was how it worked. To design something really well, you have to get it. You have to really grok what it’s all about.- Steve Jobs, Wired interview, 1996. Spelling advisory: The word hindrance is frequently misspelled as â€Å"hinderance, â€Å"hindrence,† and â€Å"hinderence.† The verb is hinder. The noun is hindrance. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Arrive To vs. Arrive At10 Techniques for More Precise Writing15 English Words of Indian Origin

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Project managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project managment - Essay Example Assistant project manager shall be responsible for assisting the manager and completing tasks designated by him. To avoid redundancy of functions, project is aided through specialization of already existing functional divisions of organization. Limited number of employees shall be hired to form part of project team, providing technical expertise that is not available with in-house departments. General equipment, labor and material are provided by such units which in turn charge them off against project costing account. Contracts officer must be hired to manage all communications between project team and functional divisions, to convey project requirements to them and to establish contractual terms with customers. The subcontractor contributes to completion of project tasks that are primarily allocated to main contractor (Whelan & George, 80). Correspondence with them must be handled directly by the contracts officer. A common project office should be established to furnish subcontrac tors adequately and formal channels of communications shall be in place. A formal document, namely Statement of Work, shall be prepared, defining responsibilities of team members and subcontractor. The organizational support functions shall provide assistance in aspects of quality control, training needs of members and information technology. A master schedule shall be prepared that identifies the constraints, significant milestones and interdependence and linkages between project activities (Public Health Emergency, 2013). How this structure actually works in the given scenario? The hierarchy in a given case is irregular, with project manager leading the project followed by assistant project manager who chairs the steering committee. Managers, of those functional divisions whose resources are being absorbed in project activities, are members of the committee. Project manager manages all matters and communications directly with the subcontractor. However, assistant project manager i s responsible for handling matters related to prime contractors. A general project office has been established to provide supporting activities of the project, while an independent contracts officer is hired who coordinates and bridges the gaps between project team, functional divisions and the project customer. Moreover, he also ensures that concrete contractual arrangements are established for all services and duly signed agreements are created and documented. Can the project manager be from military background? Armed forces have highly formalized environment, with stringent deadlines and steadfast policies and procedures. Various projects are ongoing in military forces and soldiers holding influential positions are responsible for execution of these projects. As a result, some of them have strong and effective project management experience and skills which make veterans a natural fit for leading non-military projects as well. Advantages and disadvantages of this structure Advanta ges: Involvement of managers of functional division in steering committee is highly effective since their specialized knowledge and experience can come in handy for taking decisions pertaining to project. Presence of independent contracts officer shall ensure compliance with contractual obligations, efficient coordination and collaboration of efforts to achieve project goals.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Reflections Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflections - Assignment Example Personally, I agree with Lewis’s saying that the ultimate price that we pay for losing those we love is pain and grief (Tesiik, 2001). I saw my mother, G.M struggling with the pain of losing my stepfather. Thus, she was paying a price for the commitment and love that she accorded my stepfather. Connection to saying. The saying relates well to the scenario of my mother, G.M. As pointed by Lewis, one can go through a series of pain if she loses the object of her love. G.M was indeed in deep love with my stepfather. She went through series of pain and episodes of depression attributable to cognitive response. As a result, she is suffering from Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases. Description of manifestations of grief. Grief manifests itself in four different ways including feelings, physical sensations, cognitions, and behaviors. Feelings are often diverse and take different turns (De Magalhà £es, 2009). Sadness is a feeling that many individuals experience after losing the persons that they love or have a close attachment. My mother, G.M experienced this when she lost my stepfather. Individuals often demonstrate sadness by crying. Crying is a gesture that arouses a protective or sympathetic reaction from other individuals. Complicated grief may result if individuals fail to express sadness with or without the accompaniment of tears. I felt sad when I watched G.M writhing in pain. Anxiety is a common feeling that relates to the loss and it often originates from the fear that the bereaved may not be in a position to take care of themselves. There are different ranges of anxiety and can extend from mild to extreme forms of panic attacks. Grief also manifests itself through cognition (Amella, 2004). In most cases, a cognitive response often occurs after an individual develops varied feelings. As I have outlined above, my mother G.M experienced different feelings of sadness, and anxiety after the loss of my stepfather. It is through this happening that I

Friday, January 24, 2020

Treatment Plan for Codrina Essay -- Becks theory on cognitive therapy

As Codrina’s counselor, you will create an effective treatment plan that is based on Beck's theory on cognitive therapy. What cognitive distortions can you infer that Codrina has because of her past? Codrina is a 40-year-old, divorced, white female seeking counseling at a university counseling center. She is seeking counseling because she has been unable to sleep well and has lost her appetite after her roommate ran off with her husband. Codrina was raised in a state orphanage in Russia and her childhood years were of isolation, hunger and scarcity. She describes spending many days just staring at the wall and rocking back and forth. Once she left the orphanage at 16 years, she worked in Moscow for a few years until she met her American girlfriend. She lived with her for a couple of years in Moscow and then moved to the U.S. Codrina met a young man and their relationship moved quickly to where they married within months of their first meeting. Meanwhile her girlfriend had become unusually cold toward her and started to verbally abuse her during their visits. One day, Codrina discovered that her girlfriend was having sex with her husband. She filed for and was granted a divorce. I n session, Codrina claimed that this breakup was her partner's loss and that anyone would be lucky to have her. However, even six months after the divorce, she is unable to sleep at night (she had trouble sleeping as a child as well.) She wants help for insomnia from her therapist. Codrina also complains about a new male friend who she hangs out with, who, she reports is starting to be rude and insensitive to her. She was thinking of starting a business with this friend, but now does not trust him to be fair to her in his business dealings. She wants to... ...o think back to where they were and what they were doing when the incident or argument occurred. This exercise can foster greater access to the emotions they were experiencing at the time† (Beck, 1963). Works Cited AARON T. BECK, MD. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1963; 9(4):324-333. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1963.01720160014002. Retrieved from Ackerman, Brian P.; Kogos, Jen; Youngstrom, Eric; Schoff, Kristen; Izard, Carroll. Family instability and the problem behaviors of children from economically disadvantaged families. Developmental Psychology, Vol 35(1), Jan 1999, 258-268. doi: 10.1037/0012-1649.35.1.258 Rubin, Kenneth H.; Mills, Rosemary S..The many faces of social isolation in childhood. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 56(6), Dec 1988, 916-924. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.56.6.916

Thursday, January 16, 2020

How College Degree Is Important to Me Essay

College education gives me the opportunity to have an extremely success future. It’s everything that most individual wants in their life. Since it’s so tremendous and valuable to have a college degree I will take the opportunity to pursue it. A college degree is very important and has a significant meaning to my future, it will provide me with a better career with higher pay salary, experience and it will give me that personal satisfaction for making my dream come through. According to Nelson Mandela â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you use to change the world†. And I believe by having my college degree can change my world. I am surgical technologist that enjoys work and helping people, so by obtaining a college degree in psychology will make me understand people from a different perspective. However, my job is always challenging and by furthering my education I will have the ability to learn new things every day. This degree will reassure my employer that I can cope with the work environment and also has the ability to adapt to constant change. A degree is evidence that help climbing the corporate ladder, it gives you the higher ups that you have necessary skills to be promoted to a higher position. By accomplishing a college degree will allow me to have the experience and the skill that I never had before. It’s a learning experience that would transform me in a life time. Achieving a college degree would give me the skills to perform my job or to face the real world. In reality facing the real world without a college degree can be very difficult. Mostly by earning a degree will give the hope and personal satisfaction about me. I can feel confident and secure about the next step I will be taken without fear. It will help me to prepare for industrial skills. For example writing essays, computer science and how to analyze people behavior that is why my major is psychology so it can help me deal with people appropriately. Thus, college can help me achieving the skills related to the industry I am working in and help me to figure out how to do my job. In conclusion achieving my college degree is the most important thing to my life and my future, it will help my family in so many valuable ways and most of all will make me accomplish my goal a college degree.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Culture during the 20s-40s Great Gatsby - 1365 Words

History has shown that music, dance and fashion have a great affect on society and culture. Iconic artists and performers, and particular events during these decades influenced many rebellious outbreaks going against societal norms. The â€Å"Roaring 20s† (1920-30), had a major impact on adolescent behavior in America, starting in New Orleans, moving into Chicago and later, New York City. Throughout the 1930s-1940s a new adolescent culture emerged, influenced by early upheavals during the 1920s. The twenties were years of prodigious changes and prosperity in many areas of society; for example, revolutionary changes in music and attitude of the people. In fact, this era was so centered on music that author; F. Scott Fitzgerald titled it, â€Å"The†¦show more content†¦The Great Depression, which was the world’s biggest economic downfall/crashing of the stock market. It was unexpected that after such affluent times, that America would go through something this traumatic. The Great Depression did not have one main cause, there were many factors that played into this economic crisis that began in America, and then spread all around the world. With new technology emerging, factories were able to produce their items a lot quicker; this may seem like a positive factor now, but at the time their demand was not high enough, resulting in overproduction. In hopes of recovering from this setback in finance, America’s central banking system, the Federal Reserve, tried to raise interest rates to slow down the stock market, but instead of accomplishing their goal, their actions resulted in panic. This panic caused American’s to sell all of their stocks at once because of fear of borrowing and trading money. This selling of over 13 million shares of stocks resulted in what as known as, The Great Depression, starting in 1929 and lasting until approximately, 1939. (Hardman, John.) (Postwar Social Changes.) The Great Depression affected ever yone in America including the adolescents. Many teens felt as if they were a burden to their families, therefore they left them to â€Å"ride the rails†. This means that because of such lowShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1595 Words   |  7 Pages The 1920s was a time of partying, and many social occasions. During these parties, how one behaves or acts around others, strangers or friends, can reveal intimate values of their character. Typically, social stresses can reveal similar behavioral patterns among whole groups of people as well. 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Scott Fitzgerald (The famous American novel) ................................................ 35 Historical Events: The American Great Depression (1929-1930s) ........................................................................................ 37 World War I (1914-1918) ..............................Read MoreSat Notes6478 Words   |  26 Pagesbe â€Å"she wrote†; â€Å"such as† can be followed by a single thing One subject of Felipe Alfau’s second novel, published more than 40 years after it has been written, is the illusory nature of the passage of time. â€Å"has been† should be â€Å"had been† .html At the conclusion of the novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner recently arrived to New York, moodily watches the blinking green light at the tip ofRead MoreStudy Guide Literary Terms7657 Words   |  31 PagesNew Testament, John the Baptists head was presented to King Herod on a platter 5. ambiguity-A statement which can contain two or more meanings. 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